Sunday, July 27, 2014

Simple Hand Painted Christmas Ornaments Victorian Roses

This is a simple hand painted rose. It makes a wonderful Victorian Christmas Ornament, or decoration for a Victorian Style home.

Supplies: paints are buttermilk, lisa pink, seminole green, cactus green, boysenberry pink, and white. Heart shaped wood. eye screw, 1 large pearl, 1 small pearl, pin wire, eye hole wire, round needle nose pliers, regular need nose pliers, wire cutters,  ribbon, and  hot glue.
 Brushes #4 square, #4 round, # filbert, #8 flat, liner brush, brush basin, and paper palette.

Base coat heart with cactus green, after sanding.

Watch the video to see how I painted the roses.

Glue pearls with hot glue.

Add pearl through eye hole pin, bend forward around round needle nose pliers.
Slip on to heart pearls.
Repeat with smaller pearl. Make bow hot glue to front of heart, add ribbon through eye hook to hang.

Make several.