Sunday, November 14, 2010

Knitted Sweater Jacket Cute

This is my first try at making big girl clothes.I found this darling vintage pattern from the 40's. This knitted  short sweater  jacket appealed to me because it looked trendy, short with flowing sleeves, and flowing neck line. I also liked that it did not require buttons. It is knitted from the bottom up, the sleeves are knit into place, instead of having to attach them..The the sweater is folded in half and sewn at the sides.
5 balls 241 yards medium wt  100% acrylic yarn
size 15 circular 29 inch long needles
size 4 circular 29 inch needles
 large eye blunt needle
counting cylinder
stitch holder pin extra long
size medium measures 23 inches long on back side

Back: With size 15 needles cast on 184 sts.
First row: k1 * p2, k2; repeat from *, end p2, k1.
2nd row: p1, * k2, p2; repeat from *, end k2, p1. Repeat these 2 rows for 4 inches for frill, end with 2nd row.
Change to size 4 needles, continue for ribbing for 62 rows above the frill, end with 2nd row.
To make sleeves: Cast on 47 sts at beginning of next row for sleeve. Beginning with p2, work ribbing to end. Cast on 47 sts, and begin next row with k2. Work 278 sts in ribbing for 12 ins.(this is the sleeves)
Bind off 47 sts at beginning of each of next 2 rows.
Next row: Work 77 sts and slip on holder for half of the front, work 33 sts and slip on a strand of yarn for neck edge, finish row. Continue ribbing on last 77 sts; work 6 rows even. Dec. 1 st at neck edge every 2nd row 24 times, then every row 8 times, end at neck edge.
 Place 45 sts on holder. Beginning at neck edge work other side to correspond, end at neck. Do not break yarn. With same needle, and marking this side as wrong side of jacket, pick up and k 36 sts on shaped edge to neck, work the 20 sts of neck, pick up and k 36 sts on shaped edge on other side, work 45 sts from holder (192 sts)

Change to size 15 needles and continue ribbing for 4 ins. Bind off.

Frill on sleeves: With size 4 needles and working from right side pick up and k 96 sts on edge of sleeve. Change to size 15 needles, and work ribbing for 4 ins. Bind off.
Finishing: With wrong side of frill to turn back on right side of jacket, sew side and sleeve seams, Steam.
My beautiful daughter-in-law is modeling this sweater, I did add 2 string cords so it could be tied together.

Good side view of sleeves.
The side view photo did not turn out sharp, and as clear as I would have liked it, but you can get an idea of what the sweater looks like from the side it's cute, cute, cute.


  1. wow that is good looking sweater I love that way it looks amazing!

  2. It turned out beautiful! Hope you're doing well and we miss you in Meadows of Dan!

  3. Thanks Leslie
    I just got back from Disney,had a wonderful time with the grandbabies. I have another sweater that I will put up soon.
