Monday, April 30, 2012

Baby Shower Ideas

I have 2 wonderful nieces that are expecting babies at relatively the same time. Since we didn't know the sex of the babies I was looking for a theme that would incorporate both a girl, and a boy. I stayed with yellow, green, blue, red for the color palette. I decided to go with a jungle animal theme.

I made 2 diaper cakes for each of the nieces using animals that I had sewn, or purchased. Walmart carries  cute cloth rattles.

Made onesies  sugar cookies : )
Sunny yellow with happy poka dots.
I also to decided to make cupcakes instead of a big huge cake. My thinking was the left overs would be easier to store. I put a small 6 inch cake on top for the theme of the baby shower. Carrot cake with cream  cheese frosting, covered with homemade fondant.
The characters are made from the fondant, it is difficult to work with next time I will use sugar paste. My niece Summer was still expecting, so I made her holding her big tummy. Tammy had delivered her son by the time of the baby shower.

Food was set up cafeteria style.

The happy mothers : )

1 comment:

  1. Looks like those would sell pretty good in Floyd.
