Monday, July 5, 2010

Sewing Crafts Rag Doll

My little granddaughter Bianca's birthday is coming up soon, she will be 4 years old. I thought it might be fun to make her a rag doll this year, that she could play with. Rag dolls are soft, so no danger of injury happening. She is old enough now where she would enjoy changing the clothing on the doll. I had forgotten I had purchased  this sweet pattern 10 years ago,made by Kezi's Oregon Ragbabies  I had always longed to have a  granddaughter to play dress up with

There a six panels which go into making the head.
The face is stuffed, and lightly penciled in.
The body is 4 panels, it has darts to create a bottom, which sits.
What I like about about the hands, is that it is sewed as a mitten, then the fingers are placed, which is a lot easier. Then the fingers are stuffed. The creator of this pattern has made dolls before.
The arms are attached to a button which gives the arms the ability to swivel.
Face is then painted in.
Hair attached individually.
Head completed.
Body sewed, arms attached.
Leggs attached.
Naked rag doll.

This pattern comes with, shoes, hat, bloomers, and top. A very nice pattern. Also see my Raggedy Anne Doll


  1. Nice work any child would love to have one of them it looks so alive the expression on the face looks so real. Good job!!!!

  2. Thank you. I appreciate your comments.

  3. That's the prettiest rag doll I have ever seen! Was the face difficult to paint? Do you have to take a special course to learn how to paint doll faces?

  4. Thank you Lynne,
    I draw the faces out first. I have taken courses in decorative painting which has been a help to me. Micheal's the craft store has step by step books that can help you learn how to paint faces.

  5. I like your works, they are beautiful
    I need patters of doll.
    my e.mail is
    thank you very much
    have a good day

  6. I like your works, they are beautiful
    I need patters of doll.
    my e.mail is
    thank you very much

  7. Your work is completely amazing. Thank- you so much for sharing your skills and knowledge with the rest of us. If possible could you please sent me the patterns of this cutie-pie. I'll really appreciate it. My email is

  8. Pliss I like your works, they are beautiful
    I need patters of doll.
    my e.mail is
    thank you very much
    Por favor me podrias mandar el molde de esta muñeca a mi correo.
    De ante mano muchas gracias

  9. I would really like this pattern
    Could you please email it to me at

  10. Beautiful, how do i get the pattern ?? My e-mail is

  11. Hello,
    I fell in love with your lovely doll! How do I obtain the pattern, please? My e-mail is

    Thank you!!

    Thank you

  12. Hi love your doll could you send me the pattern on both doll's

  13. Please I love your dolls, they lock easy to make could you send me the pattern my e-mail is, thank you
    Es una muneca adorable Gracias mil
